"The Chesapeake"
Or-Tec recently rented a belt press to the town of Rock Hall in Maryland. Rodney Banks, a Maryland Rural Water Association Wastewater Technician, had this to say in the MRWA publication "The Chesapeake".....
"....Now its back to work, and the first place I called on was Rock Hall Wastewater Treatment facility on the day that my friend Mark Durrett was receiving a rented belt filter press. Mark had some necessary maintenance to perform that required the processing of an unusual amount of sludge. Mark located a company that rents this type of equipment attached to trailer, delivers and helps in the setup. In a little over an hour setup was complete and Mark was in business. Mark reports that results are about as good as he had hoped for and has made a lot of progress getting the job done in the 30-day rental period. If you want to know more about this project Mark says feel free to call him at the plant"
The Or-Tec Mk II 1000 stainless steel mobile belt press system at Rock Hall.
This article was re-printed with the kind permission of the Maryland Rural Water Association.